SOLD OUT for Fall 2021
What is Somatic Healing for the Inner Child?
Inner Child Work has a profound way to release past hurt, trauma and pain of childhood so that you can fully thrive in life as an adult.
It is a way to address our needs that weren’t met, heal our attachment wounds and that part of ourselves that we may be rejecting or feel is inappropriate, too much or needs to “be seen and not heard”. It includes recovering self-expression that got lost or displaced, and restoring yourself to wholeness and aliveness.
Somatic Inner Child Healing allows us to access the subconscious and peel back our everyday coping mechanisms (avoidance codependency, numbing out, dissociating, ect). This creates new space for self-love, forgiveness, compassion and the ability to finally thrive as an adult in relationships, intimacy, sexual and with money.
This five week highly experiential process will not only introduce you to your own Inner Child, show you where and how they take control and act out in your life but will also give you tangible tools that you will have access to for life.
Ways your Inner Child may be showing up and running your adult life:
- Fear of Intimacy
- Anxiety
- Lack of Confidence
- Codependency or People Pleasing
- Addiction
- Constant feeling of not being enough
- Lack of confidence
- Eating disorders
- Lack of career success
- Difficulty trusting people
- Sexual shame
If you haven't dealt with your childhood wounding, it's likely that stress, uncertainty or pain of any kind will be difficult for you to handle so you turn to some distraction or coping strategy that is not healthy or healing such as food, alcohol, over working, excessive socializing, porn, social media addiction, binging nextflix or drugs.
This doesn't have to be your story any longer and connecting with the little one inside you, holding them tenderly, providing healing and reparenting can break these toxic cycles and numbing out you have likely been experiencing for your whole adult life.
We start October 21st
Dates: We will meet on Thursday's at 1:00pm Central Time (Chicago) for 5 consecutive weeks.
- October 21st
- October 28th
- November 4th
- November 11th
- November 18th
Where: Over Zoom
How long are the live sessions: 90 minutes
Results from Inner Child Healing
Your inner child resides in your unconscious mind and governs 90% of your emotions, thoughts and behaviors. It is the most tender part of you that is seeking love, safety and belonging. This is why somatic breathwork will play a big role in the work that we do together.
When you deeply connect, learn to hold and care for this peice of you, you will begin to experience:
- Less anxiety
- More confidence
- Less overwhelm with the unknown
- More connected and vibrant sexual fulfillment
- Deeper intimacy with your partner, family and friends
- Ability to connect deeper and hold more presence with your own children
- More joy, aliveness and creativity
- Moving from avoidant, disorganized or anxious attachment styles to secure attachment
- Less sabotage in your career and money relationships
- Emotional mastery
- Less urge to numb out or turn to addidive behavoirs
- Less activation in triggers
- More intuitive living

Stephanie is extremely passionate and Inspiring Coach and Teacher. Always ready to answer any questions or concerns, her positive energy, enthusiasm and charisma helps to go through the process much easier and more comfortable for everyone. I will always recommend her Inner Child program to all my friends and family. Thank You Stephanie for all your work and making my life better.

The program really broke down the whole ‘inner child’ topic into so many areas that we were able to deep dive into each of it. It is a very very comprehensive program and I’ve never come across anything like this. Stephanie is just a kind beautiful soul and holds space for us. I will keep doing this course for the rest of my life. I know I scratched only the surface.

This program changed my life and I know I just scratched the surface. Stephanie designed the course in the most beautiful and methodical way, that we can go deeper and deeper each week. It was not rushed, it felt safe and I’ve uncovered so much. Most importantly, I’m able to face my triggers and use the tools to work through it. I’ve been doing the ‘work’ for so many many years, this course is nothing like I’ve ever come across. I am so grateful to Stephanie. I bow to her in gratitude, for her wisdom, for her love.

After this program you will:
- Have extensive tools and a database full of practices you can come back to for a lifetime
- Have more clarity in your purpose
- More confidence
- Your relationships will improve
- Things that used to trigger you won't feel such a charge to them
- Have less anxiety
- Feel a deeper self love and internal safety than ever before in your adult life
- Have breathwork tools to soothe yourself through triggering and unknown times
- Processes to connect and talk to your Inner Child anytime
- Ability to reparent yourself and give yourself the nurturing you always longed for
Program Structure
Dates: We will meet on Thursday's at 1:00pm Central Time (Chicago) for 5 consecutive weeks.
- October 21st
- October 28th
- November 4th
- November 11th
- November 18th
Where: Over Zoom
How long are the live sessions: 90 minutes
Week 1
- Connecting with your Inner Child through Embodiment Breathwork.
- Discovering how your Inner Child is ruling your life especially in relationships, money, sex and love.
- You will begin to create a deep connection with your Inner Child rooted in love, compassion and acceptance.
Week 2 + 3
- Healing the Father or Masculine Caregiver Wound and Healing the Mother or Feminine Caregiver Wound
- Creating deep connection in an experiential process rooted deeply in Somatic Experiencing blended with Tantra. This process will begin to explore how you are trying (and failing) to fulfill your unmet childhood needs in your present day life.
- Creating safety for your Inner Child to thrive.
- Creating deep acceptance and love for your Inner Child to thrive.
Week 4
- Reparenting, becoming your own greatest caregiver and learning to hold and meet your Inner Child's unmet needs, desires and fear.
- Creating healthy forms of our full expression.
- Creating a deep sense of belonging for your Inner Child to thrive.
Week 5
- Integration Week: Pulling it all together in community and sharing.
Incorporating your childlike spirit back into your art, your business and into your everyday life.

As soon as I met Stephanie, I felt at ease in her presence. She is kind, caring, compassionate and always has a big smile on her face. During our sessions together, I felt years of tension lift and dissolve. These sessions are an in depth journey that has helped me feel freer, lighter and more playful. I highly recommend this course as part of anyone’s life.

This 5 week inner child course deeply impacted me in a way that far exceeded my expectations. I felt so safe and held in the beautiful container Stephanie provided. She not only taught us fascinating information about the inner child, but led us through practices to meet the inner child and find inner resources to meet its needs. She also introduced us to tools to use outside of the sessions and they were incredibly helpful. I'm so happy that there's lifetime access to this course because I plan on doing it over and over again.

Even after week one I could tell the difference. I knew going into this that I would have a road block. But I also knew I was ready to do the work. I am a week behind and I plan on going back and doing it again. As soon as we got to the week about the father I knew I needed to take my time and sit with it and go back to week one and just feel safe again and breath. I loved this. I was ready to do it and I’m so glad I did.
Who am I?
Hi! My name is Stephanie and I am a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and Tantric Sex Coach.
I have been studying and working with Master Teachers around the world for over a decade blending breathwork, tantra, yoga, energy and body-oriented studies along with scientific-based Somatic Experiencing through Peter Levine's School.
This combination of work is my unique approach to embodiment, Inner Child healing and deep, lasting transformations. I have studied the work of Carl Jung, IFS and am a certified trauma release breathwork facilitator.
My belief is that everyone has everything within them to birth the life of their dreams.
To go from simply surviving and walking through life numb or dissociated, we need to work with not just our nervous systems and our cognitive minds, but our energy systems and our souls too. I thrive in creating safe spaces of deep transformational healing and have been working with groups for 13 years.
I am the host of the podcast, Getting Sexy with Steph, have a thriving 1:1 coaching practice and run a group program Trauma to Tantra.
Additionally, I am a single mom consciously raising two boys and this provides a very unique gift to facilitating Inner Child work in this industry. I am very intimate with where children shut down, the needs children have on a daily basis and have a continual mirror of Inner Child work presenting itself to me.