Men's Somatic and Tantric Healing Work

Do you desire to experience sex that is exciting, sexy and emotionally nurturing? Where you are able to last as long as you want, as many times as you want and at any age?

How about showing up in full confidence and knowing for sure that you can satisfy your partner, not just physically but on every level of being...body, heart and soul? That you are not just a good lover but an extraordinary tantric lover? 

Are you ready to finally experience the full power and presence of your penis and feel confident in your sexuality?

This Men's Somatic and Tantric Healing Work is your answer for Sexual Mastery and becoming a Tantric Lover your partner can't get enough of.

imagine if...

  • You didn't feel deep performance anxiety or fear of premature ejaculation when having sex?
  • You could experience heightened states of ecstasy and pleasure beyond the realms you have explored so far and bring your partner into these states with you?
  • You didn't feel like a failure in the bedroom because you experience erectile dysfunction and not "getting it up" didn't leave you feeling depressed or shut down for days after?
  • You finally felt sexually confident when you were approaching women to date or with your partner and knew you would be the most legendary lover they have ever had?
  • You weren't controlled by the sexual and body shame you were taught in society and religion as a little boy and you could finally step into your manhood feeling confident, free and alive?
  • You weren't living in your head during sex, unable to feel sensations or a connection to your partner but were able to experience the full orgasmic pleasure of your cock and penetration?

Schedule a Call Today!

This is a 50 minute power hour call. You can use this as a one off call or use this to discover if you'd like long term coaching.


Book Now

Introducing Men's Somatic and Tantric Healing Work

The exclusive and unparalleled Men's Sexuality and Spirituality Coaching Program that teaches you Sexual Mastery through Tantric Sex Practices.

In this VIP container you will rise up to become the MVP of your Sexuality.

You will emerge the confident, bold man, empowered by his full masculine, who can not only deeply penetrate with his cock but with his presence either in the boardroom or the bedroom.

Confidence can’t be faked. It’s earned. The inner work we do together will create a satiating menu of practices that will empower this confidence for a lifetime. You won't need a pill or quick fix because you are alive in your sexuality.

You want Results...
Here is what you will get!


  • Healing Premature Ejaculation or Erectile Dysfunction once and for all without having to plan or take a pill that leaves you disconnected from your cock.
  • Knowing with full confidence that you are an extraordinary lover so that you could approach any woman you desire to date without feeling shame.
  • The freedom and aliveness to make love how you want, with who you want and however you want without the bullshit conditioning you received as a little boy. (Obviously, in a very consensual way)
  • Giving your partner full body and multiple orgasms because you are fully connected to the power of penetration so that your partner keeps coming back for more and more.
  • Reaching tantric multi-orgasmic states yourself! 
  • Learn to connect and deeply heal your trauma, shame and inner child so you can show up as the fully present and living in your body.
  • Be a successful man not only in the bedroom but carry that into the boardroom and your creative career endeavors. 


"Stephanie is without a doubt a living breathing goddess in human form who possesses the power to make any mortal man into a titan of a man. Every moment in her contained safe space is a blessing that is not to be taken for granted. Commit yourself to her ways and you shall be rewarded with an ecstasy and power to rivals the gods." -Darrien


"My name is Matthew and I'm usually don't leave testimonials, but this time is different. After working with Stephanie, my life changed for good. My confidence level, sexuality has improved for better. Stephanie's professionalism, knowledge and friendly personality helps to go through the process very easy. She understand and helps to  understand a lot of important things in life. I made the best decision in my life THANK YOU Stephanie for making me a better man. -Matthew"


"In my sessions with Stephanie we have used movement, breathwork, and somatic experiencing to create clarity and tap into the infinite intelligence in my body. Stephanie has created a safe space where I was guided through exploring my emotions, belief systems, yearnings, and the depths of my subconscious programming. She has helped me reach a higher potential by guiding me into the vulnerable space of accepting my blind spots and by empowering me with the tools to transform behavior patterns by letting go of the old and live from a perspective of higher awareness and higher emotional intelligence. -David"


"I thought I was emotional before, holy shit. I FELT things I haven’t felt in forever... or ever.  This sense of awareness I experienced has been unmatched. I grabbed and held a pillow stronger and with more anger than I ever have before. I moved around the floor scared of a sound. I felt fear, anxiety, and just flat out uncomfortable. I experienced thoughts and emotions from years ago that I guess I never really processed through. And then something happened. I felt free. I felt confident. I felt grounded. I felt reconnected. I 100% recommend Stephanie Rae for Coaching. -Jay"


"Words simply can't describe the impact that Stephanie and her work has had on my life.  She came to me at such an important inflection point in my life and Stephanie has created the perfect space for me to grow into my practice, explore new corners of my soul, and connect with the most powerful source of clarity, gratitude, and love I could ever imagine.  No other practice requires such a selfless and confident practitioner and Stephanie has clearly found her life's work in leading others to their true happiness. -Anthony"



Who am I?

Stephanie Rae is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Tantric Sex Coach and Licensed Breathwork Facilitator.

She specializes in working with men who experience premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, sexual shame or trauma and have a general lack of confidence in their sexuality.

Stephanie blends 14 years of tantric and body-oriented studies with elite leaders around the world, along with scientific-based Somatic Experiencing in her unique approach to sexuality work and deep, lasting transformations that have men feeling more sexual power and aliveness than they ever imagined possible. 

Her belief is that every man deserves to feel the power of his cock. Once this power and the deep penetrating sensations are tapped into, men can begin shedding the societal, family and religious conditioning that has caused them to not step into the full truth and aliveness of their life. 

Stephanie deeply desires for men to harness and understand the power innately within them, create a safe and confidential space for them to heal, share freely without judgement and be met in their power. Stephanie had proven to hold the fullness and magnificence of who they are without flinching, in deep compassion and as their biggest cheerleader. 

She is the host of the podcast, Getting Sexy with Steph, runs a Somatic Inner Child Healing group course, Breathwork Workshops and facilitates retreats around the world. 

Becoming Bold in the Bedroom
is for you if...

You desire to explore tantric sex and experience sex at its full potential and you are ready for high level support through coaching + cheerleading to achieve it!

You understand that women today don't simply just want sex, they want great sex, which includes emotional as well as physical confidence and nourishment and you are ready to become fully confident in your lovemaking and feel like a sex king. 

Instead of having an anxious or avoidant relationship with your cock, you are ready to move into a secure partnership that includes your heart so you can experience the depth of sex, love making and bringing your partner to complete ecstacy.

You’re sick of quick fixes (pills) and planning for sex. You desire to be ready to go and know you will experience pleasure and have the ability to please your partner. 

You’ve had enough of doing all the healing, inner work, listening to the podcasts and reading the books on your own, only to reach the playoffs and not rise (literally) to the occasion. You are ready to WIN the damn Superbowl of Sexuality in your life!

You’re sick of feeling disconnected from your cock because of shame and what you were taught as a child about sexuality.

You're sick of living in the shallow end of your sexuality and are ready to experience deep earth shattering penetration not only with your penis but your entire soul.

Schedule a Call Today!

This is a 50 minute power hour call. You can use this as a one off call or use this to discover if you'd like long term coaching.


Book Now


"There are few people in this life I find blessings to have met.  Stephanie is one.  Her skill and talent is only matched by her compassion. -Brian"


Dude I’ve been doing these breathwork practices every day. After I did it today, I caught the reflection of my genitalia in the mirror without an accompanying feeling of shame. Yesterday I was flirting with someone in the lake, shirt off, and ended up getting to know her a bit. Feels lighter.. makes me realize just how heavy that feeling of ongoing shame can be. -H."


"Stephanie's perspective and process has been such a revelation for me.  It has genuinely helped me improve my general outlook on life.  I've never really been keen on seeking traditional mental therapy, as I always felt it needed more than just sitting around with someone scribbling notes.  The incorporation of somatic therapy and breathing/physical exercises was something that I never really thought of utilizing in therapy, but having Stephanie coach me through those exercises and utilizing those tools was invaluable.  Her calm, genuine and understanding demeanor, along with her mentoring allowed me to take a different, healthy approach and better mental attitude in my everyday life, which has truly helped me through some of the darkest times of my life. -S."


Is this process confidential?

100% I never divulge who I am working with and unless I have explicit consent to share anything we discuss, everything remains confidential.

Do you do this virtually or in person?

All our work is done virtually via Zoom and Whatsapp for voice messaging. There is an option to add on a VIP in person day.

Are there refunds?

Because of the intimate nature of this work, there are no refunds. Nobody has ever needed one because we will get you the results you desire.

How fast will I see results?

You will begin to feel different in 2 sessions, people will react differently to you within 4 sessions and by the end you will be a changed man. This is also determined by how diligent you are with your home practices. Remember though, you have a personal cheerleader rooting for you daily and celebrating all your successes!

How do we communicate and how often between sessions?

Whattsapp or Voxer and Email. You have 24/7 access to me!

Is there an option to add on In-person work?

YES! There are optional in-person VIP days for 5-10k with optional plant medicine ceremonies. We chat more about this customized day that is JUST FOR YOU, all about you and your growth!


50% Complete

Two Step

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